The first few words a child barely manages to pronounce usually. However the same child realizes the significance of this one word once he or she finds oneself molded into an independent individual.
A short note I wrote for Mum when I moved to Mumbai, four years back and was haunted by her absence surrounding me...
To Ma
The woman who brought me into this world...
You held me in your womb for nine whole months, Yet why is it so difficult to tell you that I Love you..
I know when the world leaves me you will be there..Your love is unconditional Ma,
I know now and now you know that I am not by your side always yet I feel your presence everywhere. You are our support, You held us together.
I have not and can never love you as much as you love me yet today I need and want to tell you-
Ma- I love you lots.
With Love Mou.
hey!debooo!i had tears in my eyes after reading your poem.i think that says it all.